The Playhouse of Wilson presents "Misery," a stage adaptation of Stephen King's 1987 psychological horror novel, November 17 and 18, 2023, at 7:30 pm and November 19, 2023, at 3:00 pm. This intense thriller follows the story of Paul Sheldon, a celebrated romance novelist who becomes a prisoner of his unhinged fan, Annie Wilkes.
Toshika Johnson-Davis, known for her work with the Vision Community Theatre Group, will lead and direct the production "Misery". The performance is set to be a captivating theatrical experience that aims to engage, inspire, and entertain audiences.
Toshika Johnson-Davis the founder of Vision Community Theatre Group, Inc. (VCTG) based in Wilson, North Carolina. Established in 2007, VCTG aims to provide a wide array of opportunities for diverse community segments to engage with and enjoy theatre.
The group is recognized for its commitment to create extraordinary moments on stage and for bringing the magic of theatre to its community. It stands out being the first minority-owned theatre company in Wilson and for its dedication to underserved populations.
Toshika Johnson-Davis, alongside Johnnie Evans, was driven to offer great opportunities and open doors for everyone interested in the community theater experience.
Under her direction, the theatre has put on productions like "We Rise!" ( casting January 8, 2024, "Catch the Vision" February 24, 2024), combining various art forms to narrate the history of African Americans, and "Dreamgirls" .
Vision Community Theatre Group of Wilson, congratulates our founder, Toshika Johnson-Davis, Director of "Misery."
Break A Leg!!!
"Catch the Vision" at the
108 Nash Street
Wilson, NC 27893
November 17 - 18, 2023 @ 7:30pm November 19, 2023 @ 3:00 pm
$18 Advance
$20 at the door
$18 Senior/Student
The Playhouse of Wilson Presents "Misery" for tickets!!!
Also available at Wilson Arts
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